Iraq War

April 28, 2004: Abu Ghraib Prison Photos

The Abu Ghraib prison photos are a group of pictures that showed what happened inside of a former prison owned by Saddam Hussein. While Abu Ghraib prison was under Hussein’s control it was notorious for torturing its prisoners. In these pictures released to the public on April 28th, 2004, depicted American soldiers physically, sexually, and mentally torturing these prisoners of war. The torture included putting masks on people and having dogs bark in their face. They would also pile people on top of each other without clothes on. The Americans found it awful the things that the Iraqis were doing to there prisoners, yet we are now doing the same thing to our prisoners. People found it terrible that Americans would do this. The things that were done to those prisoners goes against everything in our constitution. They might be convicted criminals, but they are still people. Our constitution talks about how every person has rights given to them at birth. These rights apply to all people no matter who they are. One section of the constitution talks about how you are unable to force criminals into cruel and unusual punishment. That is exactly what we did to those prisoners. We tortured them to the point where not even a convicted criminal deserves that kind of punishment no matter what their crime is. This severally hurt our realations with Iraq and countries around the world. Countries started to look down on us because we are the nation founded on freedom yet we simply torture

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